My daughter and I look forward to the Chalk This Way chalk art festival every year. This festival

is put on by Lakeside Arts Foundation, in partnership with Greater Lewisville Arts Alliance

and City of Lewisville, Sponsored by The Colony Chamber of Commerce and the

Lewisville Chamber of Commerce. The festival took place around MCL Grand and

Lewisville City Hall, at Church and Charles Streets, Lewisville, TX 75057


This is our third year getting our clothes dirty doing chalk art on the street. We love it.

We came up with the idea of a tree painting right after last year’s festival ended.

The only thing we were debating about was, that should we do a tree with the four

seasons, or a tree with the four elements in each corner.


We ended up doing the four season because that is what my daughter wanted.

Below are are the are pictures of the different phases of our chalk art.


Chalk This Way 2014-Pete Taboada-1-650
Chalk This Way 2014-Pete Taboada-2-650Chalk This Way 2014-Pete Taboada-3-650Chalk This Way 2014-Pete Taboada-4-650Chalk This Way 2014-Pete Taboada-5-650Chalk This Way 2014-Pete Taboada-6-650